Kalau dikira-kira kan, this week my baby is turning 22 or 24week in my tummy. if convert into month my baby shud already be either 5 1/2 month or 6 month already. Baby mummy is getting bigger, so is mummy's tummy. I feel blessed and thankful and excited! Owh not to forget, nervous and scared too! I'm too happy feeling my baby moved in my tummy sampaikan I forgot things to prepare for expecting mummy. My Mr.H yang tiba-tiba reminds me of it. Seriously, feeling the baby moving inside you sangat lah meng'happy'kan. I even laugh with my baby, talking to the baby apa lah yang dia tengah buat sekarang. Kadang-kadang terasa tak selesa jugak when the baby kicks, kadang- kadang terasa macam geli-geli, and kadang- kadang terasa macam dia menggaru-garu! What ever it is, the feeling of it memang tiada galang ganti nya.( Waaah..my BM is getting good is it?) hahaha..
Ok, 6 month being preggy already. Is it the time to buy and prepare for everything? As for now, I'm just surveying baru the breastpumps and the accessories, things yang patut ada and tak perlu beli sangat. We are on tight budget. Almaklumlah miskin bandar. Hahaha. I memang dah niat nak fully breastfeed kan my baby. Selain dah makin celik dengan benefits breastfeeding ni, memang I nak bagi sebab nak the bonding between the baby and mummy tu strong!
So the 1st thing is breastpumps and its accessories lah. Some of my friends bought yg RM100+ punya je, tapi apa yang I surveyed kat baby store online ni price nya mostly RM300+. Pening pulak nak beli yang mana. Nak tau yang mana bagus yang mana tak yang mana better investment. Yelah, I'm not going to use it for my 1st baby je, untuk my future baby jugak. So here's the shortlisted breastpump. Gonna continue surveying more.
Each of it pun looks ok to me just that yang spectra ni nampak convincing sikit. The Uni Mom tu the colour tu macam toys je. Hehehe. Anyone ada suggestions lagi ka? My SIL bought the manual 1 untuk pump dalam kereta. To me if i buy the Uni Mom, it can be operated using battery, so tak payah lah nak beli manual punya.
I'm gonna continue survey the value for money breastpump lagi. Haish, how i wish money is not the matter here. Bersabar Yemma, what's the fun in it kalau everything pun you can get easily. (Hahaha, nak sedapkan hati sendiri lah ni)
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