Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Kiasu ke?
Kalau dah mula update blog nih, mula lah banyak yang nak di share kan. Kalau dah stop sekali tu memang dah bersawang-sawang lah baru nak tengok balik ye?
Sepanjang hampir 10 bulan I menjadi mommy ni, macam-macam dalam kepala otak ni. Semuanya untuk si kecik tu. Especially bab belajar. Uish, kalau boleh semua benda yang kat pasaran tu nak beli. Semua! Baik mainan, vcd, dvd, cd, buku, alat bantu mengajar, semua nya nak beli. Untung lah I ada Encik Suami yang sangat prihatin dengan kedudukan kewangan I. Hahaha. Tersedar lah diri ni dengan kemampuan kewangan sendiri. Ish ish ish. Thank you sayang.
Honestly, I cannot bear my son being behind in terms of early childhood education. Kiasu kah? Maybe or maybe I nak tebus masa kerja I dengan masa untuk I raise my son? My husband said, that our son needs our time with him not those things we bought. Well, ada betulnya. Beli then bagi je dia hadap memang tak lah kan. Sampai sudah pun macam tu je. Oleh itu, I beli things yang I nak ajar je. I dont have guidelines nak ajar my son. Therefore I refer to this site and this site
Alhamdulillah, my son dah start kenal huruf hijaiyah and also alphabets. Usaha tanpa jemu. Those are some materials I use untuk play and learn with my baby. Method mengajar and bermain usually I ikut those two website i linked. The rest just ikut keadaan dan kreativiti tersendiri. I ada ikut or get ideas from my SIL. She's creative and I copy paste and adjust mengikut kesesuaian my son and his liking.
Berterus terang disini, mendidik anak lelaki sangat lah berbeza dengan anak perempuan. Ini kerana I've tried some ways untuk mengajar anak mengikut jejak langkah my SIL and Kak Watie yang anak-anak mereka perempuan belaka, kurang berkesan. Jadi terpaksa lah improvise sikit kan. Budak lelaki memang daya konsentrasi nya tinggi but at a short period. My son focus for the first 5 minutes je. The longest will be 10 to 15 minutes. Bergantung kepada liking nya terhadap sesuatu yang di ajar. If he does not like it much, what I did was learn for 5minutes play for 5 minutes and goes on for about half an hour. Lepas tu stop. Biar dia main. Oh well, cara masing-masing lah kan. Honestly I cannot let my son play without learning. Setiap detik tu sangat lah berharga. Kadang-kadang tunjuk flashcard without an effort pun. Just tayang and say the word. We never know that yang without much effort tu lah yang melekat kat dalam otak dia. I always think that way.
Kiasu sangat kan? No? Or memang jadi parent macam tu? Or maybe I'm surrounded with those yang lebih extreme dari I? Maybe?
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Berterus terang disini, mendidik anak lelaki sangat lah berbeza dengan anak perempuan. Ini kerana I've tried some ways untuk mengajar anak mengikut jejak langkah my SIL and Kak Watie yang anak-anak mereka perempuan belaka, kurang berkesan. Jadi terpaksa lah improvise sikit kan. Budak lelaki memang daya konsentrasi nya tinggi but at a short period. My son focus for the first 5 minutes je. The longest will be 10 to 15 minutes. Bergantung kepada liking nya terhadap sesuatu yang di ajar. If he does not like it much, what I did was learn for 5minutes play for 5 minutes and goes on for about half an hour. Lepas tu stop. Biar dia main. Oh well, cara masing-masing lah kan. Honestly I cannot let my son play without learning. Setiap detik tu sangat lah berharga. Kadang-kadang tunjuk flashcard without an effort pun. Just tayang and say the word. We never know that yang without much effort tu lah yang melekat kat dalam otak dia. I always think that way.
Kiasu sangat kan? No? Or memang jadi parent macam tu? Or maybe I'm surrounded with those yang lebih extreme dari I? Maybe?
Monday, November 14, 2011
Raising a son
Berhabuk page nih. Mana tak nya, last update sebelum raya itu hari. Ni dah abis Raya Qorban dah baru nak update? Dahsyat betul kesibukan siri yang melanda ni. Banyak perkara yang berlaku. Terlalu banyak untuk di cerita kan di dalam satu entri. Nak janji cerita di entri yang lain tu memang tak lah. Takut tidak dapat dipegang janji nya. Jadi yang lepas tu biarlah berlalu. Bila terdapat kelapangan nanti kita flashback² lah ye.
As for now, I'm struggling to raise up a son. Pening hooo~
Bukan pening apa, pening memikirkan cukup ke tidak I buat untuk bekalkan dia for t he real world. Jauh pemikiran seorang mommy ni kan? Baru ku hargai pengorbanan seorang mak. Ish ish ish.
Hati mommy ni sangat lah risau nak besarkan Armani boy. The real world out there sangat lah dahsyat. I must prepare you with all the knowledge baik Islamic dan conventional. Cita-cita seorang mommy ni hanyalah untuk jadikan anaknya seorang yang beriman dan berilmu. Kalau lah ditakdirkan Armani boy seorang saja zuriat mommy, (which i hope tak lah), mommy nak Armani boy yang usungkan jenazah mommy nanti. Mudah-mudahan segala ilmu yang mommy dah ajarkan kepada Armani boy nanti di manfaatkan, dan semoga ilmu tersebut bekal untuk Armani boy di dunia & di akhirat kelak. Juga dengan ilmu yang telah mommy bekalkan untuk Armani boy tu, boleh lah juga dijadikan bekal untuk mommy di alam kubur nanti. InsyaAllah. Doa mommy untuk Armani boy adalah seumur hidup mommy.
Itu cita-cita mommy. Simple saja, tapi perlukan usaha yang kuat serta pengorbanan yang banyak. Jangan risau, mommy akan cuba. Kita cuba bersama-sama ye Aimar Armani. Mommy & daddy punya banyak kelemahan tapi Armani boy lah kekuatan kami. Kami tidak sepandai mana pun tapi kamulah azam kami untuk memajukan diri. Armani boy pelengkap mommy & daddy. Kami nak Armani boy lebih dari apa yang kami ada sekarang. Lebih berilmu, lebih beriman.
Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, kau permudahkan lah anak ku untuk menerima segala ilmu Mu yang aku ajarkan. Kau berkatilah segala ilmu tersebut. Kau lindungi lah dia dari sebarang niat jahat, hasad dengki, kesusahan, mala petaka. Kau lembutkan hatinya untuk belajar Al-Quran Ya Allah. Mudah-mudahan Alquran melekat dalam hatinya Ya Allah. Kau jadikan dia seorang Khalifah mu yang beriman kepada yang 6 itu (Rukun Iman). Berikanlah anak ku kesihatan yang baik agar dia dapat menjalankan tanggung jawabnya kepada Mu dengan lebih baik. Aku hanya hamba Mu yang lemah lagi hina. Semoga kau dengar dan makbulkan doa ku ini.
Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.
Bukan senang nak menjaga amanah Allah ni. Semoga di permudahkan segalanya. Amin.
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Gambar Raya Aidilfitri 1432H itu hari |
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Gambar Raya 2 |
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Gambar budak yang tengah pandai mengemas |
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Gambar budak yang tengah kemas magnet neneknya |
Friday, August 12, 2011
Puasa bersama anak dan suami
Ohoi..dah dokek sebulan lobih den tak hapdet blog. Apakan dayaku, bebanan kerja yang melambak.
Dah 2minggu dah kita berpuasa ek? Kejab je. Shut up tak shut up lah kata F.B.I. Sedar tak sedar dah pun masuk hari ke 12 saya berpuasa. Alhamdulillah setakat ni masih ok. Sihat.
So, tahun ni berpuasa dengan suami dan anak. Oh yeah.. best ada anak. Menghiburkan. Bila penat balik kerja, tengok muka anak terus jadi ceria. Terlupa terus yang penat bekerja tadi. Akan tetapi, puasa, menyusukan anak, dan bekerja memang lah suatu yang mencabar at first. Rasa macam tak tahan nak completekan puasa sehari tu. Macam budak baru belajar berpuasa. Really. Ish ish. Teruk!
I must be strong i said to myself. Kalau I can do this during my pregnancy, why not now? Mencabar nya bila ditambah lagi anak sedang membesar, dah pandai crawling and semua tempat pun nak explore. Fuh, tak cukup napas teman jadinya.
Sekarang my lil boy dah makan, jadi setiap hari memikirkan menu apa nak buat untuk dia. Walaupun makan dia jauh lagi simple dari kita yang dah besar ni, challenge nya ialah nak cari something yang sesuai dengan dia punya liking. Banyak dah ku masak, only a few je yang kena ngan tekaknya.
Why not beli nestum je or instant food kat supermarket tu? Not that kedekut ek, tapi entah, i just want he eat whatever yang I masak. You know, makan masakan mommy nya sejak kecik lagi. Ni tidak, sejak kecik dah bagi yang instant and processed food. Dah lah pulak tu I dah mixed FM n EBM. Kesian lah. Tak dapat fully bf biarlah i masak untuk dia.
Tengoklah muka curiousity anak I yang sorang ni.
Monday, July 18, 2011
What makes your Monday worse?
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaah~ Mengeluh panjang I.
Penat lah. This whole half day of Monday makes me feels so tired. My Monday memang 'perfect' hari ni. Why?
Wake up early.
Then sakit perut.
Then siap lambat ke kerja.
Then realise yang I got habuk je dalam purse. Kesian. Lupa nak withdraw.
Then tengok kereta out of gas.
Pastu touch and go plak tak de credit.
Sampai office plak orang ni suruh itu, suruh ini, buat itu, buat ini. Kena marah lagi as if tak reti buat keja and on top of everything, i got urgent call which i missed semua kerana CELCOM. I donno why i did not received any of those calls. Tau-tau je dpt tons of messages of missed calls.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Day 13 - A photo of your favorite band or artist
Hahaha..when I read the title, I was like what is my favourite band or artist? seriously I went blank and then I started to remember the band that used to be my favourite.
OMG!! Rindu plak nak dengar songs dorang. Hehe..
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Armani boy dah besar
Armani boy will turn 5 month next week. Oh boy, cepatnya masa berlalu
kan? Nearly 5month dah I'm being a mom. Best!
Armani boy can turn from his back during his 3month. Cepat kan? I'm
impressed! Genius little boy he is. He loves songs and words! No joke!
I start showing him YBCR since after pantang till now. During his
4month, he reaponded to the vids! Syukur! He's a genius little boy!
He is now weighted 6.5kg. Yup,his size is just an average size je. I
tak kisah as long as he's healthy.
My babysitter start to feed him solid food during he's 4month and I get
really upset because of it! Tak bagi chance langsung for me to decide
bila nak bagi dia makan. Alhamdulillah after my mom cakap dont feed
him solid food just yet, my babysitter listened to her. If tak my
babysitter tu asyik nak dia je betul. Ok malas cerita more on that.
Janji my boy makan on his 6month I dah puas hati. Tengah pikir what to
feed him.
Armani boy suka jerit-jerit. He's a happy baby. Dia active, suka
lompat-lompat sampai penat siapa yang mendukungnya. Sekarang ni semua
pun dia nak rasa-masuk mulut. Think I need to buy him something untuk
dia play. He's eager to know how everything tastes like. Kalau I
dukung dia, he'll 'makan' my tudung or shirt. He gets louder when he's
sleepy. Yeap..mulut dia akan bising nak bercakap-cakap. Once he gets
tired, he'll need me for his memilk and dengan senang dia tidur.
Oooohhh my baby boy..I'm just missing him so much hari ni. Tak sabar
nak pulang and hug him and see him do funny faces. Windu~
Day 12 - Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is
Ok, I'm not single. Eh macam movie title plak.
Current relationship : Married
Discuss :
What should I discuss about a married life?
Things that you must know, married life requires lots of tolerations, understanding, sacrifice, sharing, helping each other out and most important thing COMMUNICATIONS! Yeap, how hard it is or the situation is or how it will hurt either one's feeling, you gotta talk about it with your other half because it's not just about you, it's about both of you and it's about your relationship. Silence is a NO NO please.
I'm no expert in this, I just discuss it based on my experience. Marriage is something that should make you feel that you belong to each other, you compliment each other. It should work that way.
Married life is great! I must say that but bare in mind every ups must have its downs. So, work things out together and never give up on each other and oh, please cooperate with your other half. It's important ya.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Day 11: A Photo of Your Favourite Moment
I dont know why but this is my most favourite moment. I always miss
this moment everytime I'm at work and how I wish I'm a WAHM. Though
he's not fully breastfeed, I'll make sure he gets every drop of my
milk-ya I know I've said that many times. Mommy loves you so much baby
this moment everytime I'm at work and how I wish I'm a WAHM. Though
he's not fully breastfeed, I'll make sure he gets every drop of my
milk-ya I know I've said that many times. Mommy loves you so much baby
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Babies ARE Genius!!
I know it has been said by many and not that I do not believe it. I've witness it myself - my niece age 16month can read! Yup, she can read. Salute lah baby! And so, I pun haruslah mau my son can read as early as he can. Dont get me wrong ya, as much as I wanted him to know how to read, I also want him to enjoy learning. How? To be honest I dont have the exact way on how to teach my baby to read. All I know, stimulate the baby and play with him. Yes, play! Not just goo goo gaa gaa him, I also play flashcards and most of the time I just talk and sing to him.
As what the founder of Genius Baby On Board say, all babies are genius and they learn without an effort! MasyaALLAH, hebat betul ciptaan Allah ni. Yes, effort-less. Sejak kembali bekerja, to tell you the truth I memang tak do masa sangat nak mengajar my baby like SAHM or WAHM but I know that 'nak seribu daya, tak nak seribu dalih' aite? What I do? Letak all the vids kat handphone and burn vcd for my baby. Sebelum pergi kerja pasang kat TV, on the way pi kerja pasang kat HP. I dont care if he didnt focus on it or not yang penting I play it for him. Bila kat traffic light, I showed him. Itu lah time I teach him. Learn his song and even make my own song. Hentam sajalah labu janji there's message in the song. Armani boy loves songs. Dia boleh senyap when I sing or play a song. Now dah tau his favourite song senang lah. The vcds yang I burn tu, I gave to his baby sitter and ask her to please play the vcd for Armani boy. I dont want my baby to stay there and do nothing. At least he listen to the words if dia tak focus pun.
And now at the age of 4month, i think he knows a few words already. Tak kisah lah if it's just a coincidence but a mommy's instinct tells me that Armani boy knows the word. This is Armani boy's fav song :
A phonic song.
Carilah useful vids kat youtube tu berlambak but I love this 1. Catchy song and tak lah lembab or laju sangat. When Armani boy first listen to this dia senyap. Then he want more of it and now he knows the word and sometimes I even think he tried to make the sound of the alphabet. Armani boy will laugh everytime the vid shows the word "phonic song". Memula tak perasan, and then I notice he smiled and excited sekejab sekejab. Masa I sang the song with him baru perasan and I was like OMG!! Alhamdulillah!! Did my son just read? Ah tak pedulik lah if it's just a coincidence, but i know he knows the word.
Coincidence lagi ke when I play him Your Baby Can Read vid and she smile at certain words. Oh yang pasti he just loves word of an animal. Agaknya dari kecik I play flashcard words animal je kot.Huhu..Tak kisah lah. Then I notice he smiled and excited when he saw a picture of a horse. Ok this vid yang ada horse ni I baru je start pasang and I terkejut when Armani boy recognize a word HORSE. Selalu main flashcards the word is HORSES. Wow!!! Babies are GENIUS!!
Now I tengah kumpul duit nak beli Little Reader. My niece dah ada and when Armani boy watch together with her, tak berkelip mata! Dia sangat focus!! He really loves to learn. Harus mommy beli! Tak makan lunch sebulan pun tak pe ye anak janji kamu dapat belajar!
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Day Ten : A photo of your favorite place to eat
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Hari Kelapan : Your dream wedding
Aiyayaiyayai..Kenapalah baru tanya sekarang soalan ni. Ai dah pun berkahwin jadinya takde sangat dream wedding. Rasanya my wedding hari tu dah cukup dah but if I can have redo my wedding i'd like to be married like this
Well not exactly like this but something like it. I'd love to have beach wedding. I want it to be simple and fun. No all those adat thingy like bersanding what so ever. Wearing wedding dress without shoe, walk the aile and cut the cake and meet the guests. Having pictures taken with the guests by the beach and enjoy the food. That's all. Simple.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Seventh Day : A photo of an animal you'd love to keep as a pet
Ok Ive lost the challenge I know but you know what, blogging is something that came from your heart. Kalau tiada mood nak blogging maka hasil penulisan juga membuatkan orang tiada mood nak membaca.
Ok back to the topic. Animal I'd love to keep as a pet ey?
I'd say kitten.
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Pic credit to Incik Google |
They're so adorably cute but it comes with bulu-bulu yang selalu luruh dan abis melekat kat baju-baju and seluar. That part i dont like. Owh and also the part that kucing jantan will mark their territory. That part lagi tak suka. Owh and the part that they'll shit everywhere they like. NO NO NO! Abis tu tak yah bela binatang lah kalau macam tu if tak nak kasi berak and kencing and berjalan merata sebab nanti bulu luruh. Well, yeah that's the thing. That's why i have no pet and end up I keep fishes as pet. Boley ka ikan consider as pet? Hehe..and to be exact, i love guppies!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
The Lamest Entry Ever
Haha..Hoccay, dek kerana takdo benda sangat yang nak di blog kan, I post this LAMEST entry ever! Boley menang anugerah tak?
I was doing my work sambil tu I baca blog rakan-rakan and then there's an entry about a contest background desktop lappy or pc. Eksaited kononnya nak join lepas tu tersedar diri tak do lappy mahupun pc. Kasihan bukan? Abih tu selama ni kamu online guna hape? Guna lappy Mr.H yang dia amik dari my FIL yang dah hampir-hampir obsolete.Hahaha. As long as boleh guna, ai tak kisah. Akan tetapi, sedang menyimpan duit nak beli lappy for myself. Dah berkurun lama ai nak beli, selalu di halang Mr.H. Katanya jangan membazir kan ade banyak lappy kat rumah ni. Mungkin dia tidak sedar akan umur lappy yang ada itu. Ampunilah dia. HARUS.BELI.LAPPY.BARU!
Jadi untuk kali ini, i present to you the lamest background pc kat kantor ai ni. Dah nama lamest entry ever, maka haruslah background pc ai pun LAME jugak.
Dah takde benda sangat lah ni nak blog kan? tapi kononnya masih meghapdet blog.Ceit! Mana aci! Aci kat India! Ok i better stop now. Mari pergi mencari sesuap nasi di cafe kantor.
Here's the lamest background pc ever after!
The Sixth Day : A song to match your mood
Ada ka lagu yang match my mood skang nih?
To tell you the truth, Im too tired to think of a song that match my mood today sebabnya I have no mood for song. Malas nak cerita sebab apa kerana it is not worth it. Tak guna nak blog out pasal orang yang menyakitkan hati aite?
As for now, kita kasik tukar sikit the title for my entry today to a song that is playing inside my head currently.Huhu..jangan marah haaa~
When you have kid(s), this kind of song confirm ada dalam kepala. Sometimes without you know it you are singing it out loud while doing your work kat office. Kes teringat kat anak lah tu. Enjoy~ Haha..
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Day 5 - What makes you different from everyone else?
Tak reti nak jawab soalan ni. Kalau time interview ada tanya soalan ni pun macam tak reti nak jawab. Karang kalo jawab beia-ia, macam masuk bakul angkat sendiri pulak kan? Jadinya tak tau lah.
Since ni bukan time interview so, boleh lah masuk bakul angkat sendiri.Huahahaha...
Ok ape yang membuatkan I ni berbeza dari orang lain. Maybe dari segi attitude kot. Lain sikit dari yang lain. I dont like to bother about orang because buang karan je weih. Nak buat ape sibok-sibok hal orang. Hal sendiri pun tak terjaga nih ha. Penat!
I juga tak suka nak tau ape orang thinks of me. Pi lantak lah kamoo nak cakap apa about me. I dont care.
Cukup lah sikit je. Tak larat nak pikir apa bezanya I ngn orang lain sebabnya no matter how different you are misti ada jugak yang sama dengan kita. So what's the different? Aih...poning lah.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Day 4 - Your favorite photo of your best friend
Well, a picture worth a thousand words and so here they are.
My bestest friend, my room mate, my crime partner, my banker, my adviser, my punching bag, my joker..hahaha..see, tulis pun ketawa..dia memang kelakar.
and presenting another bestest friend
My cute lil Armani Boy!! My boo!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Day 3 - Your idea of the perfect first date
Perfect first date ay? Hmm..
The perfect first date will be a simple day out where you can be yourself, where you accidentally make fool of yourself, where you are trying hard to be perfect but it turns out to be the worse of you but yet the day ends smoothly and the person accept you for who you are, it surely is the perfect first date.
Sape yang boleh terima kita when we are the worst of ourselves means orang tu maybe the perfect person untuk kita.
Day 2 : Your Favourite Movie
Erm..seriously tak tau nak cakap what's my favourite movie because I loike most movies I watched. Habeh camno?
Hoccay lah..below are a few that came across my mind at the moment. Kira favourite la jugak kan sebab ianya antara yang kita ingat dalam banyak-banyak tuh.
Shawshank Redemption
Cool movie jugak nih. It's about sorang banker yang caught her wife with someone else and being accused for murdering his wife padahal dia tak buat pun. So, dia kena life sentence and what he do dalam penjara Shawshank tu was digging his way out. When he's out, dia jadi orang kaya.
and the 2nd one is
Charlie and the chocolate factory
First I like the movie sebab it's about chocolates..hahah and second sebab Johnny Depp yang berlakon.
Friday, April 29, 2011
30 Days of Blogging
Hoccay..I nak take part jugak lah dalam 30 days blogging challenge ni. sedang I blog hopping sekali ter'come' accross this and I said "menariknya..nak buat jugak lah". So here I am.
I must say
Have You Ever by Brandy
Love the lyric, love the song. Touching babe plus my ex-boyfriend yang kasi. Haha..memang lah Ex sebab now sudah menjadi Mr.H kesyayangan mommy and Armani boy.
Hope you like it too!
Fa Wau Nun Dal Ya Kaf
Firstly, my appology to all readers for such a 'nice' word for a title of my entry today. Sejujurnya, haku memang sangat hangin dengan Kolig-Kolig ku.
I know, every where also got the same problem. Tak apalah. Apa yang I nak state here is that, sesape yang berjawatan pegawai tu jangan lah nak 'act' sangat. Walaupun kamu senior, kena hormat jugak orang bawah kita sebab tanpa mereka kamu akan kesusahan nak buat kerja. Kata work as a team, jadi buat lah cara team mate. Jangan nak berlagak bos sangat hoccay! Come on, everyone also want KPI tinggi. Jangan suck up sangat hoccay. Rimas babe, rimas!
Jangan nak tunjuk pandai sangat because you never know that actually that person sebenarnya lagi bagus dari hang. Ingat tu! Kang malu sendiri baru tau. Setakat kerja kat kompeni Sendirian Berhad half of your life dengan meleis je, jangan nak berlagak sangat. Nak KIASU pun berpada-pada lah.
Ok lah..buang karan je blog about this. Dengan itu saya sudahi entri saya ini. Daaa~
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Lagi cerita pasal Breastfeeding!
Again? Hangpa layan je lah ek. Kalau tak mau tak pa.
Yes, today nak cerita lagi pasal breastfeeding. Owh sedey! Sedey babe baca entri kak Farah Farhan Sarakids tu. Terharu pun ye. Walaupun I tak dapat nak join the event, tak nak pergi sebab sedey I tak fully breastfeed my baby, I still follow the updates. Memang teringin sangat tapi tak pe lah. Maybe next time.
Betul cakap dia, perjalanan breastfeeding ni tak mudah. As for me memang tak mudah. Tak mudah maintain production. Tak mudah nak control makan sebab whatever yang kita makan akan jadi susu which baby juga akan dapat. Tak mudah sebab nak menyusukan baby ni kena banyak sangat bersabar dan juga beristiqamah. Jangan riak dengan stok susu yang banyak juga untuk menyusukan baby, kena pasang niat yang betul sedari awal kita mengandung.
Perjalanan menyusukan baby I memang tak mudah mungkin di sebabkan niat yang tak betul sedari awal. Ya betul, niat yang salah sedari awal. Memang I insaf babe! Insaf gila. Pengajaran buat I. Lets just not talk about it lagi. Barang yang lepas, jangan lah di kenang-kenang. Cuma, belajar dari kesilapan.
Walaupun tak fully breastfeed, I'm thankful for it jugak. At least I still ada susu. I mean I still can direct feed my baby. Tak kisah cukup or tak, I feed my baby directly whenever he's with me. Campur jugak with FM but I wont stop pump and direct feed him. I believe susu ada je. Sentiasa bersyukur ada lagi susu untuk di feed baby. Till the last drop babeh! Till the last drop. And in between that, mommy wont stop at any cause to create demand for the milk.
Haih~ inilah I whenever cite pasal breastfeeding.
Tengok lah si tenit I yang mengubat segala stress I. As long as dia sihat walafiat, fully breastfeed or not, I tak kisah but selagi ada, he'll get every drop.
Mommy loves Armani boy!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Big Boy
Ini adalah entri edisi 'Mommy kerinduan'. Baby boy mommy ni genap
3bulan sehari selepas aqiqah nya itu hari! The day before Armani Boy
baru pandai ketawa. Best betul! Terubat stress mommy, baby dear.
3bulan sehari selepas aqiqah nya itu hari! The day before Armani Boy
baru pandai ketawa. Best betul! Terubat stress mommy, baby dear.
Dah pandai nak bersembang dengan orang. Dah pandai tengok tv. Dah
pandai respon dengan kita. Dah pandai belajar. Dah pandai tak nangis
sangat. Waaahh..dah banyak pandai ek anak mommy ni.
Kejab je dah 3bulan. Rasanya macam baru 3minggu lepas mommy lahirkan
Armani Boy ni. Cepat betul masa berlalu kan? Rasanya macam banyak lagi
yang tak sempat buat with Armani Boy.
Genap 3bulan, berat Armani Boy 5.2kg and panjang 60cm. Waaah..dah
berat tak xnmpk chubby sgt pun. Rindu lah baby mommy ni.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Majlis Aqiqah & Doa Selamat Aimar Armani B Mohd Ashraf - Teaser
Wah...title entry tak leh panjang lagi kah? Hehehe.. Fedulik lah, entry haku, haku punya fasal lah. Huhu.. Kidding.. Yup, the title dah cukup complete menyatakan ape entry kali ini is all about.
Pertama sekali haruslah mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada my childhood friend's hubby yang telah sudi untuk menjadi photog kami. Tanpa dia maka tiada lah gambar yang menarik. Honestly to me aqiqah sangat special. It's like your solemnization la. Moment of your life. Jadi oleh kerana itu sanggup ku spend for good pictures of my son biar dia dapat tengok bila besar sikit lagi nanti. Terima kasih to them yang sanggup datang awal, seawal 'tuan rumah pun tak siap lagi'..heheh. Thank you ye.
Alhamdulillah..semuanya berjalan lancar. I leave you with the teaser pictures of it ya. The rest belom dapat lagik.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
My boboboi!
This Armani Boy made me wake up at 5 just to play and learn! Nasib lah
last nite Mr.H dah dload his fav song. Melayan lah si tenit ni di pagi
hari. Ingatkan nak tidor dah lepas tu. Rupanya tidak!! So cute lah
kamu boboboi mommy!
last nite Mr.H dah dload his fav song. Melayan lah si tenit ni di pagi
hari. Ingatkan nak tidor dah lepas tu. Rupanya tidak!! So cute lah
kamu boboboi mommy!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Dan sebenarnya...
Ya, dan sebenarnya ini bukan entri about Yuna- Dan Sebenarnya tau. Saje letak picture dia just because i like her jacket. Huhu~
Dan sebenarnya draft after draft after draft have I made but none of I I post. Bukan tak mau finish what I've start but more to takde mood nak tengok balik and amend here and there or even add up apape. Jadi kesudahan nya terbengkalai je. Lately ni memang takde mood at all. Works are hiking up. Time pulak never seems enough to me. Kadang-kadang I wish to have more night time to spend more quality time with my son and have lotsa time more for myself. If only I can devide myself into 2. If only lah kan? Anak needs more time with his mommy, tapi apa dayaku kerja tak berapa mengizinkan. Mommy terpaksa pretend rajin sebab nak KPI tinggi balik lambat just because dengan cara tu je dorang judge you bagus ke tak bagus kerja. Crap kan? Ya tell me about it.
Dan sebenarnya its gonna be a long entry nih. Entry luahan perasaan. Perasaan seorang mommy.
Dan sebenarnya i feel like a total failure for not being able to fully breastfeed my baby. Susu kurang, tak cukup susu, production susu sikit or whatever they call it, the supply didnt meet the demand of my baby. I dont know why, I dont know if it's me or not. Entah lah, dah tak de rezeki kot but mommy will not simply give up ya. Perah je setiap hari selagi ada and selagi keluar. Mommy keeps praying for the milk supply ada selama yang mungkin. I'll feed him with my milk or whats left with me till the last drop. Tak pe lah nak tak dapat banyak, sikit pun jadilah ye.
Dan sebenarnya...sometimes I feel rimas. Rimas dengan interference from both side of parents. I feel so berdosa saying this, but hey this is just me spilling out on how i felt. Baik my side baik Mr.H's side. Sama je semua! No offense ye. True that somehow, sometimes we really needed our parent as a guideline for us. Need their advice, need their help but at the same time, we dont need them at all. Confusing? Yeah, me too. I need them and I dont need them. Cane tuh? Made up your mind gurl! Ok maybe I can put it this way, I need their help and advice but I needed it for me to do it on my own. Not telling me what to do and what's not. Not telling me it's not the right way to raise your kid. I dont need that. I need an opinion, I need them to share their experiences. Not simply do whatever they think right for my baby. Kecik hati ok! Come on, give your kid a little trust here. I'm a mother now. I need to learn to raise my kid myself. I need not to repeat their mistakes in raising kids so that the next generation will be better than us. Kalau keep doing apa yang nenek moyang kita dok buat dulu, sampai bila nak berkembang. Improvise ye..Improvise! Not that apa yang dibuat turun temurun tu tak bagus. Yang bagus kita amiklah. Yang tak bagus tu eloklah kita tinggalkan. Pening ok dealing with all these. Tapi I tak tau nak buat cane. Dan sebenarnya, lebih banyak lagi dari apa yang tersurat di sini.
Dan sebenanya...saya sangat penat nak pretend and trying my best to fit in with this environment kerja. Dan sebenarnya...stress kerja memang tak boleh kita lari. Hadaplah walau camne pun. Redha je. Dan sebenarnya setelah I menaip sampai sini, terus rasa takde mood nak cite pasal kerja ni. Terlalu banyak mengundang negative vibes lah. Lagi pun nanti haku buat dosa pulok mengata depa-depa yang kat sini. Baik lah tak yah.
Dan sebenarnya...diri ini sudah lapar kerana sudah sampai waktu makan. Oleh itu, I'm off to lunch ye peeps. Thanx for reading, if you manage to read up to this point. Haha..Thank you. I really appreciate it.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
When there's a will, there's a way
Ya, saya sangat bersetuju dengan tajuk entri kita pada kali ini. Definitely when there's a will there's a way. Kenapa? Kerana entri kali ini adalah mengenai saya yang telah kecundang kini seolah-olah mendapat sinar harapan baru. Ceeewaahh! Sinar harapan lah sangat, tapi I hope there's still hope.
Semalam, I met this 1 pharmacist. i dont know how, I dont know where I got guts I just dont know. All I know suddenly I befriended with her. Well to me it may be a sign or it's just another coinsidence. Tak kisah lah apa pun, tapi pertemuan semalam telah mengubah fikiran saya abit.
I was once given up in fully breastfeed. Mengalah, redha lah konon-konon tak apa lah tak dapat fully breastfeed and nak kasi je baby what's left with me. It didn't occur to me langsung yang sebenarnya my thought tu sebenarnya thought orang yang putus asa. No wonder production makin low. Yes, walaupun I've already mixed EBM and FM, tak bermakna I cannot fully breastfeed my baby kan? My friend berjaya fully bf walaupun at 1st she needed to topup with FM. Kenapa tak I? Why why why?
That kakak pharmacist taught me to express breast milk using hand. I punya lah tak reti dulu nak express milk guna tangan je turns out senang! Of course lah 1st try tak dpt banyak. Ia di bantu jugak dengan expressing using electric breast pump but it surely ada abit of improvement in the quantity. Owh suka!
I feel
Tidak semena-mena, I regreted that I've given up for a while there. Now I've found my strength back.
There's a will there's a way aite? Jadi..
Alhamdulillah. I really thank god i met her semalam. Never miss praying for help. Semoga i berjaya.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Itulah kita manusia selalu lupa nak bersyukur.Bila dah ditarik satu
nikmat, baru ingat nak bersujud berterima kasih.Nope,tak tujukan
kepada sesiapa pun.Sekadar mengingati diri sendiri aje. Syukur lah
sound nya masih elok. Doa-doa harap diberikan kesihatan yang baik agar
dapat menunaikan tanggungjawab dengan lebih sempurna.InsyaAllah..Amin.
nikmat, baru ingat nak bersujud berterima kasih.Nope,tak tujukan
kepada sesiapa pun.Sekadar mengingati diri sendiri aje. Syukur lah
sound nya masih elok. Doa-doa harap diberikan kesihatan yang baik agar
dapat menunaikan tanggungjawab dengan lebih sempurna.InsyaAllah..Amin.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
The best moment
This is the best moment armani boy n I had. Will miss this moment a
lot. In case baby mommy get to see this later in the future, mommy
loves u a lot dear. Not being able to fully breastfeed u is the most
frustrated feeling Ive ever felt. Yes I do feel like a failure but Ive
promise myself, u'll get whatever milk I have in me. Every single
drop! Muuuuaaahhh!! Grow healthy my lil boy!
lot. In case baby mommy get to see this later in the future, mommy
loves u a lot dear. Not being able to fully breastfeed u is the most
frustrated feeling Ive ever felt. Yes I do feel like a failure but Ive
promise myself, u'll get whatever milk I have in me. Every single
drop! Muuuuaaahhh!! Grow healthy my lil boy!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
No more sad stories
And for that peeps, I end up my sad stories. All my sad stories will turn to happy stories dah sekarang. Breastfeed or no breastfeed, I dont wanna think anymore. I'll feed my baby with what's left of me and will keep on making demand. Mommy will not give up.
To tell the truth, I'm too down to blog these few weeks back. Allah je yang tau. My friends je yang tau how down I felt. Namun ku kuatkan jugak semangat. Well, think of a bright side, baby sihat ALHAMDULILLAH. Baby happy ALHAMDULILLAH. Life has to move on. Memang tak seperti yang kita nak kan tapi we have to learn to love and appreciate.
Bye bye sad stories..
Ok baby armani mommy. Mommy bangkit dengan semangat baru. Banyak lagi perancangan untuk baby yang perlu kita teruskan and make it work. I'm a failure if I just sit and whine and mourn about the past. Kita usaha bersama ye baby. Chaiyuk!!
Mommy nak simpan duit beli kasut ni baby..hahaha..
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Low milk supply!!
Remember what I said in previous entry that you'd do anything for your baby? Yes, we've been tested and challenge. Allah nak uji kesabaran kami suami isteri serta duga kekuatan mental dan fizikal kami.
Baby kami tak cukup berat badan, now he's demanding for more milk. Hati dah lega, baby nak minum dengan banyak. Then, susu tak cukup! Baby mengamuk gila! Habis semua stok susu yang diperah dah abis diminumnya dalam masa 2 hari je.
Now, mommy is seeking solution(s) for this problem. Mommy kena calm and strong.
1. I did some reading and ada yang suruh power-pumping or hyperstimulation. How? Got 2 ways. First, it's using dual pumping machine/pump. Pump for 20mins, break for 10mins, continue pump 20mins then break for 10mins for 1 hour once a day until you get a better result. Result will show in 1 or 2 weeks. Discipline tau!
Second, using single pump/manual pump. Pump each breast for 10mins for 1hour straight, once a day for 1 week or till you get a better result.
2. Eat more solid food
3. Drink Plenty of water. Dapat air suam lagi bagus. During pump minum air. Let down lagi cepat and banyak. So, minum air milo ke, air suam kosong ke, best tuh..
4. Think of your happy moments. Think of your happy place. Think of your baby. Happy thought ladies!!
P/s : Again..wait till you read my latest post. Sorry peeps..
1. I did some reading and ada yang suruh power-pumping or hyperstimulation. How? Got 2 ways. First, it's using dual pumping machine/pump. Pump for 20mins, break for 10mins, continue pump 20mins then break for 10mins for 1 hour once a day until you get a better result. Result will show in 1 or 2 weeks. Discipline tau!
Second, using single pump/manual pump. Pump each breast for 10mins for 1hour straight, once a day for 1 week or till you get a better result.
2. Eat more solid food
3. Drink Plenty of water. Dapat air suam lagi bagus. During pump minum air. Let down lagi cepat and banyak. So, minum air milo ke, air suam kosong ke, best tuh..
4. Think of your happy moments. Think of your happy place. Think of your baby. Happy thought ladies!!
P/s : Again..wait till you read my latest post. Sorry peeps..
Orang lain worried pasal gaining weight, overweight tapi I'm worried about underweight!!
Me underweight? Of course I dont mind at all! This is not about me underweight, it's my baby!! My heart macam nak jatuh when we went to see his paeds and his gaining 50g aje since he was born. Well, his weight drop a week after he was born, drop by 150g which makes his weight 3kg. Now after 1month, he is weighting 3.2kg je. He's supposed to be 4kg by now! Hati mak mana lah yang tak sedey weih! And of course everybody is balming me for not giving him enough milk. Kata my susu tak cukup and all. This is depressing! I must be strong. My family keeps on asking me to give air masak semua. Nasib baik lah I'm prepared dengan semua nih. I nak exclusively breastfeed my baby and I will of course suruh my cousins to exclusively breastfeed their baby. Eh jab, dah lari tajuk ni. Ok, tak cukup susu..back to that.
Since the paeds kata my baby tak puas menyusu, now what I do is breastfeed him directly and bila dia dah tertidur for like half an hour je, I'll feed him with EBM-bottle feed. Alhamdulillah he seems full and happy je. Tapi me still tak puas hati, is it my milk yang low in khasiat or he just memang tak puas menyusu selama ni?
It's ok, apart from feeding my baby more, I seek for supplement untuk bagi susu banyak.
Iklan sat.. ( My vocab is getting worse! I cant find words that I'm looking for..even a simple words! Zemm..Teruknya yemma!!)
Back on the supplement topic, I ask those yang hardcore breastfeeding their baby on my case. They ada syor kan supplement untuk bagi susu banyak and more berkhasiat. Antaranya is set breastfeeding shaklee like below ni :
pic credit to fw-shaklee2u
p/s : I jz post this entry since I've draft it long ago. Wait till you read my latest post.
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