*Harry Potter 6*
Well, most reviews said that it's kinda boring movie. Not much actions n magics. It's not that boring for me. True it's kinda slow n all but i must say that the director manage to brings out the book into a movie dgn baik. If you've read the book i bet it's quite difficult to put all out into the big screen aite? The plot is like in the book..kira ok lah kan..Kena cut some slack lah kot bcz books kan from imigination kita..so obviously tak leh nak satisfy smua cz it's different from our expectation/imigination.. I think HP6 did a good movie. It's an episode where it has to answer all the questions arise from book 1-5..misti lah not much actions kan. But I must say lah yg Harry Potter ni mmg live in luck.huhuhu.. Yg do all the magic biasanyer dumbledore..huhu..and from previous book, blh kira brape spell je yg dia tau guna.. Expelliarmus, Lumos, Expecto Petronum, Stupefy, and ade lah lg a few..when he had to face the dark lord je, spell² yg dpt di patahkan dgn senang je yg dia guna..huhuhu..Apape pun, he's the chosen one kan+dia tak abis learn all the spells lg kot..almaklumlah he didn't graduated yet.. ok lah kot..
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