July 7th is an
Official CHOCOLATE Day!!!!
I tak tau pun until i heard it on National Radio yesterday petang.
i was like, 'owh really?' me LURVES chocolate!
Chocolate can be so calming tau..well it's because it always calms me down bile² memerlukan.hehe
Ok, talking about chocolate..lets list down the chocolate of my life..ngeh ngeh..
My all time favorite mestilah CADBURY ..yup..dr kecik lagi dh di ajar mkn chocolate ni, it has to be my all time favorite lah kan..

tak sure lah betul ke tak..but i adik beradik always berebut the choc only because of the wrapping paper nyer yg ade mcm² colour. mcm lah the chocs were different. Then again covers do play their role well!
Then i terjumpe this 1 choc from CADBURY named TWIRL!
i sangat suke the choc. it's a plain milk choc je except that dlm nyer twirly choc. suka! but no more kat malaysia. kat overseas ade lah kot.

alaa..tu utk emergency kes kalo mcm dh tahap ape pun blh telan tp nak tgu dpt nasik..haha

Now utk menggantikan TWIRL choc my fav tu sbb dh takde lg dlm malaysia..i go for
yummy i tell u!!
My 1st try on the choc was back then ms my mom came back from France. that time the choc tak masuk malaysia lg i rs bcz it was nowhere to be found kat any store.
then ttbe i came accross the choc but cant remember kat mana. and ever since that bile time to stock up brg² rmh the choc was nvr left behind.hmm..misti ade stock choc kat rmh!

Choc yg never missed di beli whenever dad travel are KIT KAT, TOBLERONE, and M&M's..org kata choc wajib lah tu..

Apart from all those choc..my another fav choc is MERCI!!
Yup..this one ade variety of chocs to choose but i always go for plain or nutty or nougaty(ade ke d word ek..hehe) milk choc instead of dark or bitter one..

why this choc ek? hehehe..alaa..cliche la my reason but who cares aite? ni kan personal opinion hehe..
Sebab musabab nyer ade lah..hehehe..
sebab my special person kasik lah..what more cliche than that aite?hehehe..
ever since that, the choc misti ade on our special occassion..ngeh ngeh ngeh..

Now what's yours?hihi..
whatever the choc is, or it's from or the reason u like it or love it so much..
Chocolates always and will forever be loved oleh smua lapisan masyarakat..
Sape yg tak suke chocolate tu tak merasa lah salah satu nikmat dunia..nguah nguah nguah..afterall that's jz my opinion..
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