Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers

Monday, July 6, 2009

Kembara Batu Pahat - Melaka

Saturday, June 04 2009
The Journey starts at 8.30 am (local time) :P
From Shah Alam we all shoot direct to BP for a wedding of my bestfriend since Uni time.
Sepanjang jln we all (group of 4) borak rsnyer smp kering lah tekak, but keep on updating each other.Al maklumlah mmg lama gile tak jmp even memasing ade like sekangkang kera jer!
Itu lah org ckp lg dekat lg ssh nak jmp.
Smp BP ard 1 p.m..We meet d pengantin which sedang di siapkan then off to fill our stomach yg dh grr..grr..grr. we only eat a very,erm no so very light bfast lah kot..hehehe.
Makan n lepaq² tgu sanding nyer and owh, i totally forgot yg Johor style wedding ade toll. hehe.
Dah beso pjg still nak toll. But yess nak!!
Tp lmbt skit je dpn pelamin dh penuh's ok then we jz laughed at each other..
Seriously when u meet kwn² lama, wah..kesopanan n kesusilaan nyer ntah mana hala ntah. Dah jd mcm rmh sdiri je.aiseh..but who cares, we all r having so much fun! Bkn senang ye nak jmp semua. Berlainan negri okay!

p/s : Mak mmg cool giler ek mak..

Too bad tak dapek nak borak n lepaq sgt with pengantin since we got a long way to go.
The part that we are leaving,aiyo..mcm konsert AF..sape yg terkeluar minggu ni..*sob..sob*..ceh,spoil my not too sopan perangai. Ape buleh buat..emotional moment skali skala..layan je!!

Quite sometims jugak lah tak had so mcuh fun mcm ni. Duduk dlm ofc yg sgt² stressful-dont make me start on that.
The whole day full with laughter n fun. Yup, i had my therapy done. Cured for a moment from the stress i've been facing. Yes, saya sgt bad in handling stress! haih!
Terukkan? but hey rsnyer dah back to normal..tak tau for how long will it last but i'll take my chances lah. After all bkn smua benda tak elok kan..
*being positive always helps*

Tgkkan the picture,yup..immature lagik kitorg ni sbb tu sorg pun tak kawen lg.hahaha..
As time goes by, I'm sure dorg+me will be turns out ok. Well in other words, GROW UP!!
You guys will always be in my heart..mwakx..
To be continued....

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