orait..here goes..When i was heading back home from ofc,suddenly dtg feeling yg cm..alaa malas nak blk rmh lagi lah. Where should i go kalo tak balik rmh? (ehem..i'm the kind of person yg pi keja n blk rmh trus ek..anak yg baik..heheh..baik ke?) But, really babe..tak tipu..ttbe cm nak layan perasaan sorg-sorg. very the jiwang karat. But hey,masing-masing ade cara nak release tension OK! hehe..
So, tetibe rs terpanggil nak p ke this place called P.L.A.Y.G.R.O.U.N.D When u grew older,u tak amik port pun psl playground. Have u guys notice that playground tempat korg main dlu dh takde..it has turned into car park dh skang. dh takde budak lg, yg byk keta je..almaklumlah dat area budak-budaknyer dh besar n pakai keta (mcm me skang lah).. itu lah org kata tempat jatuh lg dikenang..inikan pula tempat bermain..ceeewah..so i went to this new develop housing area nearby by housing area jugak..biasanyer kwsn baru misti ade playground..utk younger generation..budak-budak IT! huhuhu..so i went there..lepaq dlm keta..texting my friend konon-konon get in touch lah..then ttbe, nape dok dlm keta je kalo dh smp..i went out n trus go for buaian..time tu budak-budak tak kluar main lg, so i got to choose my swing..hehehe..jgn jeles adik-adik..i duduk n had my swing yg dh berapa belas tahun or puluh tahun i dh tinggal.. O.M.G!!!!! i totally forgot how it felt(dramatic moment lah kununnyer) That time rs mcm i br 1st time had my swing..FUN GILER TAU!!! Then br come along a few kids main-main kat situ..smua pandang i with 'the look'..hey budak-budak skang kan dh extra pandai compared to kita time kecik-kecik dlu..mcm tak peduli je..they gave me 'the look'? aiseh budak-budak ni..im not that old lah to play buaian tau..tak kawen lg..muda lah tu..hehehe..siap ade yg ckp..muka kakak ni mcm fimilar lah kan..kan..kan?..ceh..ingt muka i ni muka pasar mlm ke dik..hello!hehe..but then i replied them..alaa..korang misti pernah tgk 'geng bas skolah' or 'hikayat putera shazlan' kat astro kan?heheheh..i tgk ok those citer cz i still ade adik kecik yg layan citer-citer tu. Sgt poyo my reply tu..pdhal nvr been on tv pun..saje je nak nyakat dorg..but they left with a question mark on their faces.hahaha..amik kamu..ckp lg muka i muka commercial..hehe..perasan glamour jer lah aku ni..sambil menghayun buaian (fyi..dh tak dpt hayun setinggi dulu..agaknyer i dh berat..dlu ringan je dpt lah buaian tu naik tinggi) uwakakaka...tetibe ter'flashback' my childhood memories..back then the playground wasn't made of steel n plastic n byk safety mcm skang. As far as i remember,sgt besar playgroundnyer..they are made from hard wood..n the size are much bigger than yg skang ni.smua made form kayu keras n besar-besar i tell u..the jongkang-jongkit..manade panggil see-saw(btul ke eja nih) dlu..heheh..the gelongsor,the buaian..pergh..size dia manade mcm skang. u know kan kayu lama-lama dia akan licin bile kita slalu slide dia..gelongsor kitorg dlu jauh lg tinggi n licin n besar dr yg skang.best gile! blh buat superman beramai-ramai..main kejar-kejar..baling slipar..pergh..i slalu failed nak jatuhkan the slipar..hahaha..owh owh..the jongkang-jongkit..best!! skang ni pakai mcm that spring thingy kan? so butt korg tak kan sakit lah cz it wont hit the ground..kitorg dlu mmg hit the ground so the game was utk sakit kan butt each other when u kick off from the ground..sape kick off kuat akan sakitkan the opponent's butt..hahaha..so lawan-lawan lah..hehe..at least that was the way i played lah dlu..tak tau lah org lain..mmg tiada tandingan from nowadays pny..
Can you see those kids yg bergayut ramai-ramai kat that gayut-swing thingy tu..haiya..zaman i manade smua tu..yg ade pun yg gayut without swing pny tu..alaa..korg tau lah kan which one i meant..hehehe..i tak pernah tau pun the name..tau main je..tak nak amik tau pun..yang penting enjoy!!!
and owh..lupe abt the swing..yg ingt the swing tinggi..we used to panjat on the swing n try hayun as hard as we can..rs lah mcm flying without wings skit..haha..tak mcm the picture tu..safety smua..ade baby swing lg..too bad lah takde gmbr kat playground dlu..kalo jumpe nanti i'll post it lah..those were the days i tell u..then bile smua dh grow up..pindah from that housing area ke better one..dh takde lg budak-budak sgt..now dh takde langsung the playground..dh jd carpark..so before i ended up my childhood moment kat situ i jz sat there n tgk the kids main..tgk how zaman dh berubah..tgk kids nowadays yg bijak sgt smp selambe je ckp muka aku ni mcm biasa nmpk..hehehe..kids..dont talk to stranger tau! skang dh bahaya..mcm-mcm kes skang ni..even back in my time also i had this tragedy..kena ragut..trauma..huhu...yup..before i turun ke playground tu mmg ttbe cm tringat my kes dlu..erk..cm terfobia seketika..but dpt je buaian dh tak hengat trauma dh! it was so much fun back then..now pun fun jugak..but adult way of fun lah..fun reminiscing abt my childhood memories..somehow it has made my day..enlighthen me up..u jz feel free from masalah donia ini..haiya..itu yg best jd kids ni..all they can think of is having fun je..before i stop..here are the pictures of me remeniscing my childhood memories..
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