Greetings..hmm..wut a lovely weekend i must say..sgt extremely best. Well it turns out sgt best actually cz it wasn't a planned outing. On Saturday, went out to PJ, mcari² mensurvey² and mencuci² mata..hehe..Setelah bjln dgn byk nyer,rs bosan menerpa..hahaha..jd menuju plak ke Sunway Pyramid. Menyambung wuts left ms kat PJ td. Gile suke bjln i ni..Jalan² kat Pyramid tu sbb mcm dh lama tak dtg situ. As usual, the crowd mmg lah sgt ramai, but normal lah shopping complex.
Then suddenly ternmpak this lovely, tempting and mouth-watery sign!! O.M.G! Sgt teruja lah nak masuk since perut pun dh cm grr..grr..grr mintak di isi. Oh well, i looked at him n try mbuat muka yg paling chumel tak hengat *wink..wink*..budget² dpt lah di treat di situ..hahahahah..
Then suddenly ternmpak this lovely, tempting and mouth-watery sign!! O.M.G! Sgt teruja lah nak masuk since perut pun dh cm grr..grr..grr mintak di isi. Oh well, i looked at him n try mbuat muka yg paling chumel tak hengat *wink..wink*..budget² dpt lah di treat di situ..hahahahah..

and yess it's time utk meng'order'..owh sgt lah gumbira perut saya kerana bakal di isi dgn yummy..superlicious dinner.*slurp*
while waiting..still lg browse through the menu in case masih lapar(yup semakin tamak..hahahaha)..O.M.G..mcm must have this!!!! *drooling over this!*

"......of course we have scampi"

owh² ok as for the monsieur..(blh lupe lak)-normal nature..hahahaha
baked rice with seafood..
and of cz the seafood is shrimp sahaja!
and the aftermath..

yg his plate tak smpt nak snap..cpt sgt habis mknnyer..hehehe..
cukup..only those menu dh made me tersandar..the portion is ok..jz nice lah kot..not too big n not too small..but the shrimps i tell u, rs mcm nak terkeluar dr plate tu..hehehe.
we went home dgn perasaan yg sgt satisfied with our dinner.
and rupanyer..mmg it's an unplanned outing (for me!) dia dh plan dlm kepala otak dia awal²..surprise lah kunun..but yeap..i'm surprise! hehehe..
Celebrating our special occasion yg byk dh termiss out rupanyer..hehehe..ceh..apape pun..sgt best!
Thank you so much for the treat dear!..len kali blh p lagi ek? this time utk bday plak..they celebrate u better than TGIF!!! (blm pun pernah celebrate kat situ, but ms tu ade org mcm lg best i tgk..)
HARUS la p utk next occasion..
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